I’m here to focus on the trees

so you can see the forest.

Welcome! My name is Kate Post and I’m an editor. Let’s see what we can create together.


  • Line Edits

    An edit that focuses on how your entire manuscript fits together. Do your words talk over one another, or are they in harmony? Line edits are about the flow, the sound, the energy of the book. This type of edit can best be summed up by one question: Does it make sense?

  • Copy Edits (or Is It Copyedits?)

    An edit that focuses on spelling, grammar, fact-checking, and punctuation. Does Gerald have green eyes in Chapter 1 but blue eyes in Chapter 10? Do your cosmonauts speak in terms of FTL or warp? This type of edit asks: Is it consistent?

  • Proofreads

    This is the polishing step. Often, when authors and editors tinker with a manuscript, sneaky little mistakes worm their way in. The proofreader is the last line of defense against weird spacing, errant commas, and acciDental caps. This step is best conducted when the book is almost ready for press.

  • Sensitivity Reading

    Are you a thin man writing a fat woman? That’s great! But if you want some feedback from a member of the group you are portraying, I can help with that. I perform sensitivity/authenticity readings for characters who are any of the following:

    -LGBTQ+ (especially bisexual)


    -Living with chronic illness (especially endometriosis and PCOS)


    -Southerners (U.S.)

  • Beta Reading

    Do you have a draft that’s pre-edit but that you’ve revised a bit? Do you want some feedback on whether the story and the characters work or seem real? Consider having a beta read. This can help you head off some issues at the pass before you dig into the gnarly world of edits.


Price per project depends on the length of the project, the service requested, how polished a manuscript is, and how intensive the work will be. For ballpark figures, visit the Editorial Freelancers Association’s table on typical industry rates.

Get a quote and a free 1,000-word sample edit.

Would you like a quote tailored to your manuscript? Perhaps you want to see whether our writing and editing styles jell. Reach out and we’ll start the conversation.